Self-Assessment Tax Returns

The preparation of annual self-assessment tax returns has become increasingly stressful and time-consuming due to changing legislation and heightened tax scrutiny. Errors can be costly, especially if your tax situation is complex. Our thorough tax compliance service, provided by qualified tax experts, simplifies the process and helps manage your risk.
Value for money

Our fees for tax return preparation start at £750 plus VAT, with the final cost varying based on the complexity of each individual case. We can provide a fixed fee quote upfront once we have a complete understanding of your personal tax situation.

Wider tax planning

Our support doesn’t end there. We also keep you informed about UK tax changes and advise on how they may impact you. Additionally, we offer assistance with broader tax planning tailored to your personal needs and objectives.

Designated adviser

Work with a designated adviser who possesses the knowledge and expertise to prepare your tax return promptly, ensuring all eligible tax reliefs have been claimed for your peace of mind.

Do I need to submit a self-assessment tax return?

You must complete and submit a personal tax return for the tax year 6 April 2021 to 5 April 2022 if you fall into one of the below categories:


You are self-employed as a sole trader


You are a partner in a partnership business


You are a company director and you have income that is not taxed under PAYE


You have an annual income of £100,000 or more before tax

Untaxed income

You have untaxed income eg: interest, dividends or rental profits

Foreign income

You have foreign income

Child benefit payments

You or your partner receive child benefit and your income is over £50,000

Trust income

You receive income from a trust or you receive income from the estate of a deceased person

Capital disposals

You dispose of an asset(s) and you have capital gains and/or losses arising

Our self-assessment tax return service will include:

Changing legislation combined with increasing tax scrutiny has made the preparation of annual self-assessment tax returns a stressful and time-consuming process.

At Xperta Consultancy, we are a team of tax experts who specialise in complex tax returns. Xperta Consultancy to discuss your self-assessment tax return and how our process can make your next return stress-free.

Your Tax Return is Not a Tax Review

Completing your regular tax return is no replacement for a comprehensive review of your personal tax situation – especially if you suspect that you have overpaid, or that your tax situation is complex. Speak to the tax experts about your tax position today.