Property Investors and Property Investment Tax Advice

Property investors are those taxpayers who buy property with the intention of making a long-term return via the letting of that property. 
Unlike property development, property investment does not carry with it the same favourable tax reliefs and it could therefore be even more 
vital to review and restructure your holdings. Our property investment tax advice can help ensure that you are paying the right amount of tax.
Pay less tax

If you are able to structure your affairs in a more efficient manner, you may pay less tax on the income from your investment and keep more of your hard-earned cash!

Build for the future

By retaining more net income, you may reinvest more into your property investment and thereby increase your personal wealth over time

Protect future generations

As mentioned, property investment does not have favourable tax reliefs, therefore your heirs may be forced to sell property assets to meet an unexpected inheritance tax liability

How can we help?

There have been a significant number of changes to the taxation of UK property in recent years. These changes need to be factored into your business model and, where possible, it may be sensible to utilise our Our property investment tax advice with a review your property investment platform to ensure that this remains appropriate and tax efficient. Quite often, the default position for advisors instructed by property investors is to ‘incorporate’ i.e. to form a limited company and/or transfer existing holdings into a limited company. In a number of scenarios, this is an entirely sensible approach. But the act of incorporation does carry with it a number of tax implications which are not always properly spelled out to taxpayers. Equally, there are many other possibilities to structure your property investments in a tax efficient manner also. Property is a class of asset, and is therefore subject to capital gains tax, income tax and inheritance tax. Our property investment tax advice provides the most appropriate structure to suit your needs and work with you to understand what that structure entails both in the short, medium and long term to ensure that you are fully aware of your obligations. Particularly, we are engaged to advise taxpayers wishing to meet the following objectives: Reduction in income tax Mitigation of stamp duty land tax and capital gains tax on future acquisitions/disposals Ensure that the future generation is not lumbered with a large inheritance tax liability Effectively pass value of property investment assets to successors whilst maintaining control over those assets

Get in touch with us today

Call or email us any time or, simply fill out the contact form below and a member of our team will be in touch.

Please provide as much detail as possible in regards to the reason for your enquiry so our tax advisers can prepare and tailor their response to reflect your needs. We will endeavour to – respond / call you back – to discuss your enquiry and you will not be charged for this time.